Wondering how to actually find time to job search when you’re already busy at work?
👍 Look closely at your upcoming schedule, personal and professional, and start your job search when it might be most reasonable or you foresee some downtime.
👍 Plan on 2-3 hours a week for job search activities and put boundaries around that.
👍 Map out the steps, (explore, network, make decsions, prepare materials, apply, etc….) so you’re efficient and not trying doing everything at once.
👍 Practice mental fitness/positive mindset techniques to stay present at work.
👍 Let others help you!
Elizabeth Grace Saunders, we can all benefit from better time management!!
#careercoach #jobsearch #multitask #mentalfitness #positivepsychology #positiveintelligence #lifecoach #network #work