Most people who lose their job are first hit with sadness, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions.
What happens next varies greatly.
On one end, there are those who have had a hard time ever recovering. They ‘fall apart’.
A bigger number demonstrate resilience and bounce back in a reasonable amount of time.
And then there are those on the other extreme who seem to learn and grow from the experience and are in an even better place later.
Everybody wants to be somewhere between those who bounce back and those who get even stronger.
What’s the secret??
“People who don’t give up have a habit of interpreting setbacks as temporary, local, and changeable. (“It’s going away quickly; it’s just this one situation, and I can do something about it.”)”
Their secret is Optimism.
The good news: optimism is something than can be learned.
In this article, Seligman (2011) describes the program he created for the military called Comprehensive Soldier Fitness which focuses on building mental toughness and resilience.
In my practice, I offer a the Positive Intelligence® mental fitness training as part of an 12 week coaching program. Join me to transform your life and career starting with a positive outlook and confidence. Make choices that will lead to greater happiness. Take actions today that will make you proud tomorrow.
Thanks to Martin E.P. Seligman and the Positive Psychology Center, University of Pennsylvania for providing insights that make the world a happier place. #positivepsychology #resiliency #coaching #career #happiness #careercounseling #lifecoaching