Retain Your Best Employees By Helping Them Succeed
The HMS team can design and implement career development systems for your organization, creating pathways to ensure that your employees gain experience and develop new skills needed to take advantage of opportunities for advancement. This systemic transparency leads to happier employees and helps you retain valuable people in a competitive market.
What Is a Career Development System?
A Career Development System is a customized strategy for helping your employees succeed by developing new skills, taking on new responsibilities, and advancing through your company as they continue to grow. Many corporations focus this kind of system on their management teams. However, career pathways benefit employees at any level of your company.
By giving a clear path to progression, you prevent the common negative feeling of being stymied or stuck. It means your employees don’t need to look outside your organization for opportunities to make more money, advance their careers, or better themselves. This way, your most motivated employees, who often work the hardest, are more likely to not only stay with your company but will become more valuable to your organization over time.
Our role is first to help you objectively assess your organization’s culture, structure, needs, and opportunities to develop talent internally. We then develop a complete career development system to leverage your existing employees’ self-motivation in ways that fuel your company’s success and growth. We can provide ongoing support with personalized [assessments[link to page]] that help assure the perfect fit for new positions.
Supporting Employees with Career Development Means:
- Career Map developed between months 3-6
- Access to career coaching throughout the term of employment
- Career transition coaching should the employer need to end the employment contract
What Does a Career Development System Help With?
While every industry and niche has its own unique needs, career development systems provide universal value.
Insourcing vs. Outsourcing
It’s often seen as relatively inexpensive and easy to find a solution to your talent needs by hiring temporary help from outside your current organization. This is often not the case for long-term needs, however. While hiring contractors to finish a one-time project is more cost-effective than hiring a permanent team member for that one project.
Equally, employees who feel stuck or even disgruntled can be supported by career coaching. It’s more cost-effective to redeploy trained talent to another role or department than to fund the process of layoffs and new hiring..
What many executives may overlook is that their existing team is comprised of curious, skilled professionals who often crave new and interesting challenges. With training resources, it’s often possible to not only have a current employee learn and complete unusual projects, but you then retain that talent at your company, allowing you to tackle more similar projects in the future.
Cultivating Leadership
A common strategy is to find the best talent available to fill a vacant management position quickly with a proven leader. There are some benefits to this approach. However, there are some clear drawbacks as well. Bringing in outside professionals means extensive onboarding, the potential of conflicting communication styles and personalities, and the risk of having to retrain your new employee to fit your company’s culture and systems better.
When you have a robust career development system in place, you can instead invest in proven employees who already know their teammates, understand the company’s culture and procedures, and have demonstrated a good track record as an effective part of your company for months or years already. While not everyone is cut out to be a great manager, most people can be very effective managers with appropriate training and a good working relationship with their colleagues. Not only does this assure a great fit for the position, but it also improves overall retention because promoting from within demonstrates upward mobility for your employees.