Career Assessments That Help You Make The Right Choices
We all want to make the right choices in our careers and in managing our employees, and making the right choice starts with getting the right information. HMS is licensed to administer and interpret all of the leading personality and career assessments. We also offer 360-degree feedback assessments from a variety of test providers. These tools can help you develop key personnel by providing insight into their characteristics, values, behaviors, skills, and interests from the whole team.
The Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP)®
The SEIP is the most comprehensive, statistically-reliable, scientifically-validated instrument of its kind. Based on over 10 years of research, it identifies an individual’s social and emotional intelligence strengths and development opportunities. (Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence)
Social + Emotional Profile–360®
The SEIP-360 provides an accurate representation of what an individual’s supervisor, peers, direct reports, customers (internal and external), and others think about their performance in 26 distinct social and emotional intelligence competencies. There are also open-ended questions where respondents may provide additional information on the individual’s strengths and development needs.
Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator® (MBTI)
We use the MBTI instrument to identify personality types; hundreds of studies over the past 40 years have proven the MBTI valid and reliable. It was designed to make Jung’s theory of psychological types more understandable and useful. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually orderly and consistent due to basic differences in how individuals use their perception and judgment.
Pearson 16PF
For more than 40 years, the 16pf instrument has been widely used for a variety of applications, including support for vocational guidance, hiring, and promotion recommendations. The 16 pf assists with personnel selection and career development by measuring five primary management dimensions frequently identified to forecast management potential and style.
The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
The MSCEIT is an ability-based test designed to measure the four branches of Mayer and Salovey’s emotional intelligence model. (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2002
TalentLens EI
With TalentLens, you can predict performance and assess the suitability of a candidate at any level or position in your company. We offer reliable assessment solutions to give you a complete picture of your candidates and their potential for performance.
SkillScan is an intuitive, holistic assessment process in which the user makes decisions about his or her skills based on unique life and work experiences, feedback, and preferences. The resulting report has high face validity because the results reflect the user’s selections.
The Work-Life Balance Card Sort
Spark meaningful conversations with your employees about their work-life balance priorities, challenges, and goals. The Work-Life Balance deck is a professional tool for promoting work-life balance and wellness. Reduce and prevent burnout by offering employees a structured process for implementing small, manageable, sustainable changes that move them toward their identified goals. Improve employee engagement by supporting an organizational culture that promotes professional development, wellness, and self-care.